Abstract Submission
All participants are invited to submit an abstract for oral or poster presentation. Please, indicate if you prefer an oral presentation, or wish to present your work in a form of a poster.
Please use the 'save/download link/target (as)' option of your browser for the left link (RTF) above to download the abstract submission template file to your computer; use this template to write your abstract. You are advised to embed any symbol font you might use in the file. This option may be found in the 'save' dialogue options, or the 'tools | options | save' menu, of your word processor. Submit your abstract by e-mail to info@ecdo2014.gr.
Abstract submission is confirmed only after registration by payment of the registration fees.
Abstracts will be distributed electronically and uploaded on the website of the Conference.
You should prepare your poster in PORTRAIT orientation. For detailed information please check here.
Abstract submission deadline: 31 August 2014