2014 ECDO membership
Have you paid your ECDO membership fee for 2014?
You should have it paid, in order to be entitled to the respective ECDO member rates at the conference. Payment of the ECDO membership fees can be done either by bank tranfer or by credit card (note that this is a different account to the one of the conference).
✔ You also need to go through the online membership registration at the ECDO website, so that your membership is passed over to the conference registry for the special rates to apply.
Visit the ECDO membership webpage to read why you should be an ECDO member in any case.
- By bank transfer:
Please transfer the appropriate amount, net of bank charges, to the following account:
IBAN-code: BE20 0014 1148 1756
account number: 001-4114817-56 (for Belgian members)
Name and address of the account holder:
Technologiepark 927
B-9052 Gent (Zwijnaarde)
Name and address of the bank:
Fortis Bank, Heerweg Noord 14, B-9052 Gent (Zwijnaarde)
with reference: ECDO membership 2014 - your name
- By credit card (VISA, EC/MC)
Please fill in the credit card payment form and e-mail it to ecdo@irc.ugent.be or to veronique.vandevoorde@irc.ugent.be.
Payments by cheque are not accepted.